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The Story of Electricity: With 20 Easy to Perform Experiments (1983)

Tekijä: George De Lucenay Leon

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""An enlightening chronological history."" - ALA BooklistHere is an ideal book for youngsters who are curious about natural forces and want to know why they behave as they do. Veteran science writer George deLucenay Leon takes readers on a fascinating trip back in time - through 2,500 years of scientific investigation - and explains how to perform many of the experiments that led to major discoveries in electricity and magnetism.Directed primarily towards children in grades 4 to 6, the text enables students to retrace the footsteps of such outstanding scientists as William Gilbert, Benjamin Franklin, Luigi Galvani, Alessandro Volta, Michael Faraday, and Thomas Edison. With only a few inexpensive and readily available materials, plus clearly illustrated, easy-to-follow instructions, youngsters can safely carry out 20 famous experiments that provided a foundation for developments in today's highly sophisticated fields of electronic communications, space exploration, and computer technology.Learning becomes an entertaining experience as young experimenters magnetize amber, ""get a charge"" out of polyethylene and wool, make a compass, a battery and electromagnet, and learn about pioneers in communications, AM and FM radio, as well as a variety of items ranging from semiconductors to solar cells. Clearly labeled line drawings, black-and-white photographs and prints of historical interest complete this enlightening chronological history of electrical experiments and discoveries.… (lisätietoja)

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""An enlightening chronological history."" - ALA BooklistHere is an ideal book for youngsters who are curious about natural forces and want to know why they behave as they do. Veteran science writer George deLucenay Leon takes readers on a fascinating trip back in time - through 2,500 years of scientific investigation - and explains how to perform many of the experiments that led to major discoveries in electricity and magnetism.Directed primarily towards children in grades 4 to 6, the text enables students to retrace the footsteps of such outstanding scientists as William Gilbert, Benjamin Franklin, Luigi Galvani, Alessandro Volta, Michael Faraday, and Thomas Edison. With only a few inexpensive and readily available materials, plus clearly illustrated, easy-to-follow instructions, youngsters can safely carry out 20 famous experiments that provided a foundation for developments in today's highly sophisticated fields of electronic communications, space exploration, and computer technology.Learning becomes an entertaining experience as young experimenters magnetize amber, ""get a charge"" out of polyethylene and wool, make a compass, a battery and electromagnet, and learn about pioneers in communications, AM and FM radio, as well as a variety of items ranging from semiconductors to solar cells. Clearly labeled line drawings, black-and-white photographs and prints of historical interest complete this enlightening chronological history of electrical experiments and discoveries.

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