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The Five Lesbian Brother's Guide to Life: A Collection of Helpful Hints and Fabricated Facts for Today's Gay Girl

Tekijä: Five Lesbian Brothers (Playwright)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
51-508,552 (3.5)-
Congratulations, fellow lesbo! You have just been invited to join the award-winning nationally acclaimed theater troupe as they move from the stage to the page. With all their wit intact, they declare, "you can use this book to make you laugh, to make your friends cry, to upset your parents, to educate the uninformed, or as a coming-out tool." Exploring every aspect of lesbian life, they cover: Early indications that the straight life is not your style -- from unusual encounters with Barbie to the proclivity to participate in every high school sport Helpful do's and don'ts for coming out at family dinners, at weddings, and at board meetings The language of lesbianism -- in an uninhibited "dyketionary" How to achieve "lesbian style," the ultimate standard in American lifestyles today Seduction, sex, and other tips on finding and keeping the perfect partner Definitely proving that "laughing well is the best revenge" (Los Angeles Times), here is the most refreshing, most revealing, and raunchiest reference book ever to come out of the closet.… (lisätietoja)

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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

Congratulations, fellow lesbo! You have just been invited to join the award-winning nationally acclaimed theater troupe as they move from the stage to the page. With all their wit intact, they declare, "you can use this book to make you laugh, to make your friends cry, to upset your parents, to educate the uninformed, or as a coming-out tool." Exploring every aspect of lesbian life, they cover: Early indications that the straight life is not your style -- from unusual encounters with Barbie to the proclivity to participate in every high school sport Helpful do's and don'ts for coming out at family dinners, at weddings, and at board meetings The language of lesbianism -- in an uninhibited "dyketionary" How to achieve "lesbian style," the ultimate standard in American lifestyles today Seduction, sex, and other tips on finding and keeping the perfect partner Definitely proving that "laughing well is the best revenge" (Los Angeles Times), here is the most refreshing, most revealing, and raunchiest reference book ever to come out of the closet.

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