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The Anunnaki Final Warning. UFOs and Extraterrestrials Threat and the Human Race Final Solution

Tekijä: Maximillien De Lafayette

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
Hidden entrances to other worlds and dimensions, right here on Earth. Anunnaki and human inner bio-rhythm. All human beings do not come from the same origin.Ghosts, entities, holographic projections, and 40 days period after death. Living continuously in 3 different time-space zones. Anunnaki purification and new identity. Outlook for mankind after the year 2022. Another extraterrestrial threat other than the Gray's aliens. Anunnaki's creation of early humans and Earth original species. On the question of aliens competing with the Anunnaki to rule our planet? Would the Anunnaki come to aid the planet if threat happens? On the lost continent of MU's connection with the Anunnaki. Aliens scanning brilliant minds to create a "Super-Baby". The relation between our mind, body and cellular memory. Hybrids Grays: Adoption and DNA contamination. Clairvoyance; Telepathy between members of the same family. Ulema esoteric and mind-power techniques. On the truth, Jesus, Orthodoxy and the 10 Commandments. On different dimensions and multidimensional beings. Esoteric/secret calendar of your lucky days and hours. Rapture: The planetary battle.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatMerlyn_MacLeod, Desertcore

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Hidden entrances to other worlds and dimensions, right here on Earth. Anunnaki and human inner bio-rhythm. All human beings do not come from the same origin.Ghosts, entities, holographic projections, and 40 days period after death. Living continuously in 3 different time-space zones. Anunnaki purification and new identity. Outlook for mankind after the year 2022. Another extraterrestrial threat other than the Gray's aliens. Anunnaki's creation of early humans and Earth original species. On the question of aliens competing with the Anunnaki to rule our planet? Would the Anunnaki come to aid the planet if threat happens? On the lost continent of MU's connection with the Anunnaki. Aliens scanning brilliant minds to create a "Super-Baby". The relation between our mind, body and cellular memory. Hybrids Grays: Adoption and DNA contamination. Clairvoyance; Telepathy between members of the same family. Ulema esoteric and mind-power techniques. On the truth, Jesus, Orthodoxy and the 10 Commandments. On different dimensions and multidimensional beings. Esoteric/secret calendar of your lucky days and hours. Rapture: The planetary battle.

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