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There Ain't No Such Word As Can't: An Authobiography

Tekijä: David Allyn

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
David Allyn (Albert DeLella) was raised in the depression years.  His father was a French horn player.  His mother studied voice as a child in Naples Italy.  No doubt a musical family.  He was forced to work at odd jobs to keep food on the table and to pay for clothes.  Sang on all the radio stations Hartford Connecticut had to offer. WTHT, WTIC, WDRC and on a neighboring town of New Britain with the call letters of WNBC, until FCC changed them.  Joined Jack Teagarden in 1940, was drafted into the 1st Army Division, fought in North Africa, fought in Kasserine Pass, the Army's first defeat.  Received a Purple Heart at El Guetlar, Tunisia.  Sent home, joined Van Alexander's band at Roseland Ballroom.  Joined Boyd Raeburn and became an heroine addict for 9 years.  Was arrested for forging scripts served 23 months in Sing Sing and Dannamour prisons.  Upon release made albums with Johnny Mandel, did Steve Allen shows with whom he wrote a few songs.  Also became an addiction counselor on four programs, still continuing to sing and write music.  His book covers most of the glory, and pains of hell, in his life.… (lisätietoja)
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David Allyn (Albert DeLella) was raised in the depression years.  His father was a French horn player.  His mother studied voice as a child in Naples Italy.  No doubt a musical family.  He was forced to work at odd jobs to keep food on the table and to pay for clothes.  Sang on all the radio stations Hartford Connecticut had to offer. WTHT, WTIC, WDRC and on a neighboring town of New Britain with the call letters of WNBC, until FCC changed them.  Joined Jack Teagarden in 1940, was drafted into the 1st Army Division, fought in North Africa, fought in Kasserine Pass, the Army's first defeat.  Received a Purple Heart at El Guetlar, Tunisia.  Sent home, joined Van Alexander's band at Roseland Ballroom.  Joined Boyd Raeburn and became an heroine addict for 9 years.  Was arrested for forging scripts served 23 months in Sing Sing and Dannamour prisons.  Upon release made albums with Johnny Mandel, did Steve Allen shows with whom he wrote a few songs.  Also became an addiction counselor on four programs, still continuing to sing and write music.  His book covers most of the glory, and pains of hell, in his life.

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