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A Question of Love (2017)

Tekijä: Jess Dee

Sarjat: Three Questions (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
6-2,649,967 (3.25)-
A past with three, a future for two... Sequel to A Question of Trust. Gabe Carter and his best friend Connor's passion for threesomes brought Tina Jenkins into Gabe's bed--and into his heart. As a matter of honor, he gave up the woman he loved. Time passes, times change and old promises fall away, but Gabe is still in love with Tina. Now he's going after his heart's desire. Tina has her own opinion about Gabe's sense of honor. His departure tore apart the most special of bonds and destroyed her relationship with Connor, leaving her brokenhearted. It took her a long time to pick up the pieces, a struggle she doesn't wish to repeat. When Gabe shows up at her favorite coffee shop, she knows just where to tell him to stick his apology. Gabe isn't so easily put off--and Tina can't help but respond to his seduction. Picking up where they left off is tempting, but Gabe wants her all to himself. And Tina wants the whole package, which includes Connor. At the risk of crushing his hopes for the future, Gabe sets out to prove he's more than enough man for her...… (lisätietoja)

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


A past with three, a future for two... Sequel to A Question of Trust. Gabe Carter and his best friend Connor's passion for threesomes brought Tina Jenkins into Gabe's bed--and into his heart. As a matter of honor, he gave up the woman he loved. Time passes, times change and old promises fall away, but Gabe is still in love with Tina. Now he's going after his heart's desire. Tina has her own opinion about Gabe's sense of honor. His departure tore apart the most special of bonds and destroyed her relationship with Connor, leaving her brokenhearted. It took her a long time to pick up the pieces, a struggle she doesn't wish to repeat. When Gabe shows up at her favorite coffee shop, she knows just where to tell him to stick his apology. Gabe isn't so easily put off--and Tina can't help but respond to his seduction. Picking up where they left off is tempting, but Gabe wants her all to himself. And Tina wants the whole package, which includes Connor. At the risk of crushing his hopes for the future, Gabe sets out to prove he's more than enough man for her...

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