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The Bleeding Worlds Book One: Harbinger…

The Bleeding Worlds Book One: Harbinger (vuoden 2013 painos)

Tekijä: Justus R Stone (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
10-1,858,295 (3)-
Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

High-schooler Gwynn Dormath didn't want to decide the world's fate. His only goal was getting through life avoiding more trauma. However, a freak accident stirs god-like powers within Gwynn, drawing him into an ancient conflict between groups of immortals. 
/> One side fights to maintain the balance between worlds while the other aims to make them bleed. Both have waited for a signâ??a harbinger prophesied to bring salvation or doom. And they believe Gwynn is the one.
He doesn't really want to destroy the world. But with his powers born from the darkest corners of his soul, does he have any choice?… (lisätietoja)

Teoksen nimi:The Bleeding Worlds Book One: Harbinger
Kirjailijat:Justus R Stone (Tekijä)
Info:Red Bucket Publishing (2013), 266 pages
Kokoelmat:Books I've Written
Arvio (tähdet):


Harbinger: The Bleeding Worlds (Volume 1) (tekijä: Justus R. Stone)


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Fantasy. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

High-schooler Gwynn Dormath didn't want to decide the world's fate. His only goal was getting through life avoiding more trauma. However, a freak accident stirs god-like powers within Gwynn, drawing him into an ancient conflict between groups of immortals. 
One side fights to maintain the balance between worlds while the other aims to make them bleed. Both have waited for a signâ??a harbinger prophesied to bring salvation or doom. And they believe Gwynn is the one.
He doesn't really want to destroy the world. But with his powers born from the darkest corners of his soul, does he have any choice?

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