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The Water Witch: A Novel (Fairwick Trilogy)…

The Water Witch: A Novel (Fairwick Trilogy) (vuoden 2013 painos)

Tekijä: Juliet Dark (Tekijä)

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20429134,503 (3.52)8
Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:Perfect for fans of Deborah Harkness and Elizabeth Kostova, The Water Watch is a breathtakingly sexy and atmospheric new novel of ancient folklore, passionate love, and thrilling magic.
After casting out a dark spirit, Callie McFay, a professor of gothic literature, has at last restored a semblance of calm to her rambling Victorian house. But in the nearby thicket of the honeysuckle forest, and in the currents of the rushing Undine stream, more trouble is stirring. . . .
The enchanted town of Fairwick’s dazzling mix of mythical creatures has come under siege from the Grove: a sinister group of witches determined to banish the fey back to their ancestral land. With factions turning on one another, all are cruelly forced to take sides. Callie’s grandmother, a prominent Grove member, demands her granddaughter’s compliance, but half-witch/half-fey Callie can hardly betray her friends and colleagues at the college. To stave off disaster, Callie enlists Duncan Laird, an alluring seductive academic who cultivates her vast magical potential, but to what end? Deeply conflicted, Callie struggles to save her beloved Fairwick, dangerously pushing her extraordinary powers to the limit—risking all, even the needs of her own passionate heart.
Includes a preview of Book Three of The Fairwick Trilogy: The Angel Stone

Praise for The Water Witch
“A lighthearted, fast moving fantasy . . . The Water Witch should appeal to readers of Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse novels.”—New York Journal of Books
“Dark has an exquisite and clear voice. . . . One is aware of being in the hands of a mistress of the fine arts of storytelling and characterization. . . . It’s all just great fun.”—Albany Chronogram
“An intriguing story that will keep readers guessing.”—Romance Reviews Today
“Readers are sure to enjoy being back in the atmospheric Fairwick. The cliffhanger ending will only leave readers clamoring for the last installment in this interesting trilogy.”—SheKnows
Praise for Book One of The Fairwick Trilogy: The Demon Lover
“Dark’s letter-perfect gothic style is a satisfying tribute to previous gothic novels, and the paranormal elements, including incubi, fae, vampires, and witches, make this a stellar romance.”—Booklist, included in its list of the year’s “Top 10 SF/Fantasy Titles”
“Steamy and nuanced.”—Kirkus Reviews.
… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The Water Witch: A Novel (Fairwick Trilogy)
Kirjailijat:Juliet Dark (Tekijä)
Info:Ballantine Books (2013), 352 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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Water Witch (tekijä: Juliet Dark)


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» Katso myös 8 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 30) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
This is the second book in the Fairwick Chronicles trilogy by Juliet Dark, with the first book titled The Demon Lover. Callie has really grown into her power as a witch as well as a doorkeeper to the land of fairy. The demon lover in the first book was a succubus, which Callie thought she had gotten rid of, but something is back and she is left to wonder what exactly that is. She's also in a fight with her grandmother and her coven over whether or not the door to fairy should be closed for good so the different creatures of fairy can't come over into our world. This series is rich in folklore and mythology, which is one of the reasons I love it so much! It also has a gothic romance vibe, which is another plus.

I thought this book was a great follow up to the first book in the trilogy, and I'm looking forward to seeing where the third book takes us.

4/5 stars. ( )
  jwitt33 | Mar 19, 2023 |
I try to express only my most honest opinion in a spoiler-free way. Unfortunately, there is still always a risk of slight spoilers despite my best efforts. If you feel something in my review is a spoiler please let me know. Thank you.

This is my third time reading this book. I still love it. This series is amazing, I ran across it by chance when I was browsing shelves at my library the first time I ever read it and has made as one of my favorites still. ( )
  starslight86 | Jul 20, 2021 |
The Water Witch
4 Stars

The enchanting town of Fairwick, New York is not as tranquil as it seems. Home to the last door to Faerie, the town is being threatened by the Grove, a secret and sinister coven of witches determined to seal the door and banish the fae from the human world forever. Half-witch-half-fae professor, Callie MacFay, is caught in the middle while still struggling in the aftermath of banishing her demon lover. In an attempt to release her bound powers in order to help her friends, Callie agrees to accept the aid of Duncan Laird, a seductive academic who might have his own agenda. Will Callie be able to save the people she has come to love like family?

So often the second book in a series fails to live up to expectations, but this is not the case for The Water Witch for this sequel is equally as rich in atmosphere, faerie-lore and romance as the original.

It should be noted that readers eager for action-packed urban fantasy or a thrilling paranormal romance might be disappointed. Yes, there is fascinating world building, smexy love scenes and exciting moments, but these are not the focus. Rather the story revolves around Callie learning more about her magical past, discovering her powers and trying to move on from the loss of her incubus.

The plot is comprised of several parallel threads involving a vindictive undine, a an injured Norse demi-god, a secretive cult with a menacing agenda and a dangerous faerie drug. Each is well-developed and all ultimately coalesce into a satisfying climax and resolution.

The events of the previous book are seamlessly interwoven within the new narrative and the reader is never lost or inundated with repetitive detail.

All in all, a beautifully written and captivating story with an appealing heroine and charming secondary characters. The book does end on a minor cliffhanger so be sure to have the final installment handy. Highly recommended for fans of Deborah Harkness's All Souls trilogy. ( )
  Lauren2013 | May 24, 2018 |
The much anticipated follow-up to Dark's/Goodman's The Demon Lover. Professor Callie McFay's folkloric adventures continue in the enchanted town of Fairwick as she and the other mythical creatures struggle against the stifling power and influence of members of the elitist witch coven The Grove. Caught between a responsibility to her friends and colleagues and the influence of her powerful grandmother, Callie struggles to come to terms with her newly discovered magical abilities. ( )
  GennaC | May 9, 2017 |
3.5 Stars

The Water Witch, the second novel in Juliet Dark's Fairwick Chronicles Trilogy, picks up six months after the events of the trilogy's first installment, The Demon Lover (click here to read my review). The focus of this novel is on an attempt by the Grove, a society of witches, to close the last remaining door connecting the human world with the world of the fey. This door is found in Fairwick, a small town in upstate New York that is home to many fey. As a door-keeper, Callie McFay, a half-witch/half-fey professor at Fairwick College, does not support the Grove, even though she herself is a member. Helping to stop the Grove, however, requires Callie to successfully unlock her astonishing powers. Assistance is provided in the form of Duncan Laird, a powerful warlock to whom Callie is immediately attracted. But Duncan may not be everything he seems, and Callie finds that heart is still tied to that of the incubus she banished from her life in The Demon Lover. Will Callie succeed in stopping the Grove and ensuring the door between the worlds remains open?

The strength of this novel, and the series in general, lies in the characters. Callie McFay is a likeable heroine. She's smart, strong and willing to do whatever it takes to help her friends. The supporting characters are equally well-drawn and interesting, especially Callie's friends and colleagues, whose interactions with Callie illustrate why she is so willing to help them out even if it puts her own life in jeopardy. The only character I wish more had been done with is that of Callie's grandmother, an important member of the Grove who I don't find to be fleshed out as well as some of the novel's other characters. Given Callie was raised by her grandmother, and the two are at odds over the intended closing of the door, I would also have liked to see more interaction between them.

The novel is well-written and, as a result, the plot moves along relatively quickly. While I liked the premise of this novel more so than I did the first installment in the series, I did grow increasingly tired of reading about Callie's rather erotic dreams involving her exiled lover. In addition, while I enjoyed learning about the fey and the world from which they come, I didn't particularly enjoy the sections of the novel involving Callie's visits to the land of the fey, which jolted me out of the main story. For this reason I haven't rated The Water Witch quite as highly as I did The Demon Lover. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to reading the conclusion to this trilogy.

Recommended to fans of paranormal romance.

Note: I was provided with a copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. ( )
  Melissa_J | Jan 16, 2016 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 30) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
LOVED this book....i was so excited to get this book i ordered it from the UK so i could have it....I fell in love with The Demon Lover and The Water Witch was just as wonderful......these books are definitely keepers for my bookshelves. I highly recommend them.
lisäsi kfletch | muokkaaamazon, Kathy Fletcher (Jan 25, 2013)

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Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:Perfect for fans of Deborah Harkness and Elizabeth Kostova, The Water Watch is a breathtakingly sexy and atmospheric new novel of ancient folklore, passionate love, and thrilling magic.
After casting out a dark spirit, Callie McFay, a professor of gothic literature, has at last restored a semblance of calm to her rambling Victorian house. But in the nearby thicket of the honeysuckle forest, and in the currents of the rushing Undine stream, more trouble is stirring. . . .
The enchanted town of Fairwick’s dazzling mix of mythical creatures has come under siege from the Grove: a sinister group of witches determined to banish the fey back to their ancestral land. With factions turning on one another, all are cruelly forced to take sides. Callie’s grandmother, a prominent Grove member, demands her granddaughter’s compliance, but half-witch/half-fey Callie can hardly betray her friends and colleagues at the college. To stave off disaster, Callie enlists Duncan Laird, an alluring seductive academic who cultivates her vast magical potential, but to what end? Deeply conflicted, Callie struggles to save her beloved Fairwick, dangerously pushing her extraordinary powers to the limit—risking all, even the needs of her own passionate heart.
Includes a preview of Book Three of The Fairwick Trilogy: The Angel Stone

Praise for The Water Witch
“A lighthearted, fast moving fantasy . . . The Water Witch should appeal to readers of Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse novels.”—New York Journal of Books
“Dark has an exquisite and clear voice. . . . One is aware of being in the hands of a mistress of the fine arts of storytelling and characterization. . . . It’s all just great fun.”—Albany Chronogram
“An intriguing story that will keep readers guessing.”—Romance Reviews Today
“Readers are sure to enjoy being back in the atmospheric Fairwick. The cliffhanger ending will only leave readers clamoring for the last installment in this interesting trilogy.”—SheKnows
Praise for Book One of The Fairwick Trilogy: The Demon Lover
“Dark’s letter-perfect gothic style is a satisfying tribute to previous gothic novels, and the paranormal elements, including incubi, fae, vampires, and witches, make this a stellar romance.”—Booklist, included in its list of the year’s “Top 10 SF/Fantasy Titles”
“Steamy and nuanced.”—Kirkus Reviews.

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5 7

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