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The Booklover's Repair Kit: First Aid for Home Libraries

Tekijä: Estelle Ellis

Muut tekijät: Douglas Lee, Wilton Wiggins

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
79-341,965 (3.6)3
One of a kind * Everything in one * Do-it-yourself Every booklover knows the feeling when a favorite book is damaged: by water, a ripped dust jacket, a loose page. To throw the book out is unthinkable! The damage isn't serious enough for professional attention, but you don't want to risk further damage. What do you do? This elegant do-it-yourself kit containing manual and mending materials provides the solution. *        mending tears *        reattaching loose pages *        flattening wrinkles or folds *        drying water damage *        reinforcing covers *        repairing dust jackets *        repairing book corners *        tightening books in their cases *        fixing loose labels and bookplates *        reattaching paperback covers *        cleaning and care *        resources --        --        --        --        -- --        Kit includes: *        The Book Repair Manual -- written by experts on the preservation of books and illustrated with photographs and drawings -- provides step-by-step instructions for more than 20 repair projects and includes anecdotes about book collecting and book lovers. The Manual is handsomely designed and bound in hardcover. *        25 repair items (many in multiples), run the gamut from neutral pH adhesive, a bamboo brush, transparent mending tape, a stainless steel microspatula, and mat board to cotton gloves and bristol board. The mending materials are of the highest archival quality, and the only materials not supplied are common household items such as paper towels and scissors. These tools and materials are not only difficult to find, but would cost well over $100 if purchased individually. *        A source list for materials. This unique kit provides step-by-step instructions and all the materials you need to patch, preserve, repair, and restore the books you love in your own home--with no previous experience required. The kit includes: o        The Booklover's Repair Manual: 81/4 x 101/4, 160-page hard-cover, gloriously  illustrated with more than 65 photographs and instructional drawings o        pH-neutral adhesive o        document-cleaning pad o     &am… (lisätietoja)

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Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Estelle Ellisensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Lee, Douglasmuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Wiggins, Wiltonmuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Sinun täytyy kirjautua sisään voidaksesi muokata Yhteistä tietoa
Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


One of a kind * Everything in one * Do-it-yourself Every booklover knows the feeling when a favorite book is damaged: by water, a ripped dust jacket, a loose page. To throw the book out is unthinkable! The damage isn't serious enough for professional attention, but you don't want to risk further damage. What do you do? This elegant do-it-yourself kit containing manual and mending materials provides the solution. *        mending tears *        reattaching loose pages *        flattening wrinkles or folds *        drying water damage *        reinforcing covers *        repairing dust jackets *        repairing book corners *        tightening books in their cases *        fixing loose labels and bookplates *        reattaching paperback covers *        cleaning and care *        resources --        --        --        --        -- --        Kit includes: *        The Book Repair Manual -- written by experts on the preservation of books and illustrated with photographs and drawings -- provides step-by-step instructions for more than 20 repair projects and includes anecdotes about book collecting and book lovers. The Manual is handsomely designed and bound in hardcover. *        25 repair items (many in multiples), run the gamut from neutral pH adhesive, a bamboo brush, transparent mending tape, a stainless steel microspatula, and mat board to cotton gloves and bristol board. The mending materials are of the highest archival quality, and the only materials not supplied are common household items such as paper towels and scissors. These tools and materials are not only difficult to find, but would cost well over $100 if purchased individually. *        A source list for materials. This unique kit provides step-by-step instructions and all the materials you need to patch, preserve, repair, and restore the books you love in your own home--with no previous experience required. The kit includes: o        The Booklover's Repair Manual: 81/4 x 101/4, 160-page hard-cover, gloriously  illustrated with more than 65 photographs and instructional drawings o        pH-neutral adhesive o        document-cleaning pad o     &am

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