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Pathfinder Adventure Path #58: Island of Empty Eyes

Tekijä: Neil Spicer

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26-896,963 (4)1
Having won the Free Captain's Regatta, the adventurers must now claim theirprize -- the uninhabited and dangerous Island of Empty Eyes. Afterexploring strange ruins and fighting the island's monstrous denizens, theadventurers must host a feast for their new peers on the Pirate Council. But amysterious saboteur threatens to disrupt the party. Can the adventurers tametheir island wilderness and protect their influential guests? Or will they losethe respect of the pirate lords and fade into obscurity? Continuing the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path, Island ofEmpty Eyes is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 9th-levelcharacters. This volume reveals the mysteries behind some of Golarion's mostinfamous pirate legends, as well as new details on the enigmatic cyclopes. Newmonsters from the depths of the sea and exotic islands fill the PathfinderBestiary, while Robin D. Laws (author of the Pathfinder Tales novelThe Worldwound Gambit) continues his tale of pirates and lost treasuresin the Pathfinder's Journal.… (lisätietoja)

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Having won the Free Captain's Regatta, the adventurers must now claim theirprize -- the uninhabited and dangerous Island of Empty Eyes. Afterexploring strange ruins and fighting the island's monstrous denizens, theadventurers must host a feast for their new peers on the Pirate Council. But amysterious saboteur threatens to disrupt the party. Can the adventurers tametheir island wilderness and protect their influential guests? Or will they losethe respect of the pirate lords and fade into obscurity? Continuing the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path, Island ofEmpty Eyes is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 9th-levelcharacters. This volume reveals the mysteries behind some of Golarion's mostinfamous pirate legends, as well as new details on the enigmatic cyclopes. Newmonsters from the depths of the sea and exotic islands fill the PathfinderBestiary, while Robin D. Laws (author of the Pathfinder Tales novelThe Worldwound Gambit) continues his tale of pirates and lost treasuresin the Pathfinder's Journal.

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