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Granny Dan Tekijä: Danielle Steel

Granny Dan (vuoden 2000 painos)

Tekijä: Danielle Steel

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920823,280 (3.85)3
Fiction. Literature. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:In my eyes she had always been old, always been mine, always been Granny Dan. But in another time, another place, there had been dancing, people, laughter, love. . . . She had had another life before she came to us, long before she came to me. . . .

She was the cherished grandmother who sang songs in Russian, loved to roller-skate, and spoke little of her past. But when Granny Dan died, all that remained was a box wrapped in brown paper, tied with string. Inside, an old pair of satin toe shoes, a gold locket, and a stack of letters tied with ribbon. It was her legacy, her secret past, waiting to be discovered by the granddaughter who loved her but never really knew her. It was a story waiting to be told. . . .

The year was 1902. A new century was dawning as a motherless young girl arrived at a ballet school in St. Petersburg, Russia, at the age of seven. By age seventeen, Danina Petroskova had become a great ballerina, a favorite of the Czar and Czarina, who welcomed her into the heart of the Imperial family. But events both near and far away shook the ground upon which she danced. A war, an extraordinary man, and a devastating illness altered the course of her life. And when revolution shattered Russia, Danina Petroskova was forced to make a heartbreaking choiceâ??as the world around her was about to change forever.

Granny Dan is about the magic of history. In it, Danielle Steel reminds us how little we know of those who came before usâ??and how, if we could only glimpse into their early lives, and see who they once were, there is so much we would understand and learn. For in this extraordinary novel, a simple box, filled with mementos from a grandmother, offers the greatest legacy of all: an unexpected gift of a life transformed, a long-forgotten history of youth and beauty, love and d
… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Granny Dan
Kirjailijat:Danielle Steel
Info:Corgi Books (2000), Edition: New Ed, Paperback, 303 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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Isoäiti Dan (tekijä: Danielle Steel)


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I have read most of Danielle Steels books, but I can say I really liked this one a lot ( )
  debbiedd24 | Jul 21, 2021 |
Granny Dan by dnaielle Steel
This book is about the Russian ballerina who when she died at 90 after having been in a nursing home.
They had sent to her a box of the rest of her things=ballet shoes and other mementos. letters in Russian that she wasn't sure she'd have translated or kept as they were.
The story of Granny Dan starts out being born and at the age of 5 her mother died. She was sent to a ballet school which she would live and travel throughout the country when she was 14. A full member of the troupe.
Love how this story goes and we learn all about her as things change over time.
Very strong character to have accomplished what she did.
Love this story as it's short and to the point and love the places I was able to travel to and the exquisite descriptions of the dancing life and attire. ( )
  jbarr5 | Mar 27, 2013 |
A look back to the turn of the twentieth century told through the letters of a ninety year old following her death. Her granddaughter discovers the past life of an amazing woman, that she really never knew. ( )
  BackyardHorse | Feb 16, 2012 |
A young lady finds out information about her grandmother (Granny Dan). After Granny dies, the woman receives a box of letters from the nursing home, revealing Granny Dan's secrets of the past. She was a russian ballet dancer who got sick and fell in love with her doctor.

A quick read. It makes you think about your own ancestors, and how little you really know about them and their past. ( )
  CoverLoverBookReview | Dec 9, 2010 |
This books pulled me in fast as does alot of Danielle Steels.
This is the story of a old woman that is told after her death at ninety, that her grand daughter find out after getting a box from the nursing home her Grandmother lived at the last year of her life.
In this box there is ballet shoes, a golden locket with a man's photo in it , a bundle of letter written in Russian after having the letters transcribed and talking to Granny Dan's oldest friends in Vermont , her grand daughter learns of the wonderful life that her grandmother never spoke of to her. ( )
  dbhutch | Aug 27, 2010 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:In my eyes she had always been old, always been mine, always been Granny Dan. But in another time, another place, there had been dancing, people, laughter, love. . . . She had had another life before she came to us, long before she came to me. . . .

She was the cherished grandmother who sang songs in Russian, loved to roller-skate, and spoke little of her past. But when Granny Dan died, all that remained was a box wrapped in brown paper, tied with string. Inside, an old pair of satin toe shoes, a gold locket, and a stack of letters tied with ribbon. It was her legacy, her secret past, waiting to be discovered by the granddaughter who loved her but never really knew her. It was a story waiting to be told. . . .

The year was 1902. A new century was dawning as a motherless young girl arrived at a ballet school in St. Petersburg, Russia, at the age of seven. By age seventeen, Danina Petroskova had become a great ballerina, a favorite of the Czar and Czarina, who welcomed her into the heart of the Imperial family. But events both near and far away shook the ground upon which she danced. A war, an extraordinary man, and a devastating illness altered the course of her life. And when revolution shattered Russia, Danina Petroskova was forced to make a heartbreaking choiceâ??as the world around her was about to change forever.

Granny Dan is about the magic of history. In it, Danielle Steel reminds us how little we know of those who came before usâ??and how, if we could only glimpse into their early lives, and see who they once were, there is so much we would understand and learn. For in this extraordinary novel, a simple box, filled with mementos from a grandmother, offers the greatest legacy of all: an unexpected gift of a life transformed, a long-forgotten history of youth and beauty, love and d

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