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The Legend of Corinair (The Frontiers Saga…

The Legend of Corinair (The Frontiers Saga #3) (vuoden 2012 painos)

Tekijä: Ryk Brown

Sarjat: The Frontiers Saga (book 3)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
862316,794 (3.9)4
A captain coming into his own. A handful of refugees stranded on board. A possible traitor in their midst. A voyage into the territory of the very enemy that pursues them. Sometimes legends become realities in unexpected ways. It seems that fate has the crew of the Aurora firmly in its clutches.
Teoksen nimi:The Legend of Corinair (The Frontiers Saga #3)
Kirjailijat:Ryk Brown
Info:Ryk Brown, Kindle Edition, 282 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):*****


The Legend of Corinair (tekijä: Ryk Brown)


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näyttää 2/2
Now we're getting somewhere.

The Aurora is on the move again, jumping (literally) from system to system and battle to battle. It's still a fairly light read, with plenty of action and sci fi goodies to keep you occupied. It's actually starting to feel more like it's own flavor, rather than just cribbing hard core on Star Trek, particularly Voyager (and there's still nothing wrong with that).

One awesome thing that we finally get into a bit is just how weird it would be to be able to jump several light minutes away--only to see yourselves as you were those same minutes ago.

I will say that one thing that's starting to bug me is just how young and non-military they all feel--and just how little just about all of them seems to care about ship's security. I get that they're barely trained, but they almost all came from a military academy. And here they are with all sorts of locals wondering about the ship (even if a lot of good is coming of it), getting beat up left and right, and telling just about everyone they meet about their ace in the hole jump drive and home a thousand light years away. Just feels weird.

On another hand, one interesting thing we're starting to get is a hint of how religion will play into the series, with a faith built up around the legends of Earth and how they'll one day come to 'save us all'. And here's Nathan and his crew... half accidently just that. I imagine that's going to get rather complicated before it's all said and done.

Overall, far better than [b:The Rings of Haven|13516287|The Rings of Haven (The Frontiers Saga #2)|Ryk Brown|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1334469925l/13516287._SX50_.jpg|19073349]. Yet another quick read. Onward! ( )
  jpv0 | Jul 21, 2021 |
N.B. I received a free copy of this audio book through the First Reads program.

N.B. I have not read or listened to the first two books in the series, thus my review may be influenced by a lack of knowledge that would come from the first two entries in the series.

I did feel that I was missing quite a bit of information from the first two in the series, but I was still able to enjoy this. I saw someone had compared the series to Star Trek Voyager, which I can understand. I don't know if I would have picked up any of the series if not for First Reads, let alone the audio version, but I am glad that I did.

I have now gone back and listened to the first one and didn't realize how much I was missing, but you don't need the missing information. It just adds a lot more context. I will be listening to the second one in the next few days and may update this accordingly.

This was well worth the time I spent listening. It was quite enjoyable and well-performed. My chief complaint is that it was sometimes jarring when there would be a scene change outside of chapter changes. Not being a listener of audio books, it may just be that I am not used to the transitions. In book form, I would imagine that there would be an extra bit of white space, but there wasn't an appropriate pause.

I am unsure what to mention about the plot itself without divulging spoilers, but I will say that this was enough that I want to check out the rest of the series. Worth the time!

UPDATE: Considering that I subscribed to Audible because of this book so that I could listen to the first two in the series and I'm looking forward every month to my credit to get the next, I think that that should say something. I just finished #9 and can't wait until #10 is availableI have the credit to get it. Start with the first one if you can, but the series is worth it. I'm not sure if I would try to start any later than this one or the next one in the series, though. ( )
  nivek1385 | Feb 26, 2015 |
näyttää 2/2
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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The mood on the bridge was still tense after their battle with the Ta'Akar warship while orbiting the small Haven moon.
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A captain coming into his own. A handful of refugees stranded on board. A possible traitor in their midst. A voyage into the territory of the very enemy that pursues them. Sometimes legends become realities in unexpected ways. It seems that fate has the crew of the Aurora firmly in its clutches.

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2 2
3 10
3.5 1
4 17
4.5 1
5 12

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