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The coldest winter ever : a novel Tekijä:…

The coldest winter ever : a novel (vuoden 2006 painos)

Tekijä: Sister. Souljah

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1,1904816,811 (3.94)36
Fiction. African American Fiction. HTML:In Volume I of this special collectors' edition, visit the first three unforgettable novels by New York Times bestselling author Sister Souljah: The Coldest Winter Ever, Midnight: A Gangster Love Story, and Midnight and the Meaning of Love.
In The Coldest Winter Ever, internationally known author, activist, and hip-hop artist Sister Souljah brought the streets of New York to life in a powerful and unforgettable first novel. Beautifully written, raw, and authentic, this novel firmly established Sister Souljah as the mother of all contemporary urban literature and the author of the first classic of the genre.

Sister Souljah, the hip-hop generation's number one author and most compelling storyteller, delivers a powerful story about love and loyalty, strength and family. In her bestselling novel The Coldest Winter Ever, Sister Souljah introduced the world to Midnight, a brave but humble lieutenant to a prominent underworld businessman. Now, in a highly anticipated follow-up to her million-selling masterpiece, she brings readers into the life and dangerously close to the heart of this silent, fearless young man.

Sister Souljah, the New York Times bestselling author of The Coldest Winter Ever and Midnight, delivers her most compelling and enlightening story yet. With Midnight and The Meaning of Love, Souljah brings to her millions of fans an adventure about young, deep love, the ways in which people across the world express their love, and the lengths that they will go to have it.
… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The coldest winter ever : a novel
Kirjailijat:Sister. Souljah
Info:New York : Pocket Star Books, 2006.
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


The Coldest Winter Ever (tekijä: Sister Souljah)

  1. 20
    Damaged (tekijä: Kia DuPree) (meggyweg)

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» Katso myös 36 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 47) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
I love the fact that setting of this book was good old NYC! This is a classic tale of loyalty and trust. It keeps you on the edge of your seat with the plot. This is definitely a page turner. I cant wait to read the sequel... ( )
  booksbrainsbeautyx | Nov 7, 2023 |
Powerful and richly engaging. ( )
  rosaroxxie | Aug 17, 2022 |
The Coldest Winter Ever is the debut novel by hip-hop rap artist Sister Souljah and tells the story of Winter Santiaga, the teenage daughter of Brooklyn’s top drug dealer. Winter has grown up living like a princess, she lost her virginity at 12 and now her main focus in life is all about sex and boys, clothes, getting her own way and being seen as “being on top”. School is treated as an after thought, her life revolves around her friends and her own pleasures but everything comes to an abrupt change when her father is arrested, her family separated and her things seized.

Now Winter is on her own having to rely on her own wits and beauty to carry her through but make no mistake, Winter is not a nice person, she is only out for herself and only cares about the comfort and betterment of Winter. She will lie, cheat and steal to get what she wants.

Originally published in 1999, The Coldest Winter Ever has gained a cult like following. Here I am, an elderly white Canadian lady totally enthralled by the life young, black and street smart Winter lives. Of course, I wanted to take her over my knee a number of times but the author has created an authentic, antagonistic main character who provokes yet draws the reader along in this urban contemporary piece of literature. Be warned however the book contains graphic sex scenes and explicit language. The Coldest Winter Ever was a wild ride but one I fear is shockingly real. ( )
  DeltaQueen50 | Jul 8, 2022 |
This book blew me away. I need time for the review but if you are reading this, it’s because you have an interest in the book. Read it. If you think it doesn’t have anything for you, you aren’t black, you aren’t from the ghetto...keep reading it. Read it to the end. If nothing else it may give you understanding of another but, if you are smart enough to open yourself up to it, it can give you a lot more. ( )
  Wulfwyn907 | Jan 30, 2022 |
(Up'd the rating because when I look back on how much I loved the book back then....I would still give it a 5 Star rating for how I felt then. Would I ever re-read it? I don't know. Would I love it now? I guess I may never know! LOL) ( )
  RamblingBookNerd | Jun 5, 2019 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 47) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Fiction. African American Fiction. HTML:In Volume I of this special collectors' edition, visit the first three unforgettable novels by New York Times bestselling author Sister Souljah: The Coldest Winter Ever, Midnight: A Gangster Love Story, and Midnight and the Meaning of Love.
In The Coldest Winter Ever, internationally known author, activist, and hip-hop artist Sister Souljah brought the streets of New York to life in a powerful and unforgettable first novel. Beautifully written, raw, and authentic, this novel firmly established Sister Souljah as the mother of all contemporary urban literature and the author of the first classic of the genre.

Sister Souljah, the hip-hop generation's number one author and most compelling storyteller, delivers a powerful story about love and loyalty, strength and family. In her bestselling novel The Coldest Winter Ever, Sister Souljah introduced the world to Midnight, a brave but humble lieutenant to a prominent underworld businessman. Now, in a highly anticipated follow-up to her million-selling masterpiece, she brings readers into the life and dangerously close to the heart of this silent, fearless young man.

Sister Souljah, the New York Times bestselling author of The Coldest Winter Ever and Midnight, delivers her most compelling and enlightening story yet. With Midnight and The Meaning of Love, Souljah brings to her millions of fans an adventure about young, deep love, the ways in which people across the world express their love, and the lengths that they will go to have it.

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Keskiarvo: (3.94)
0.5 1
1 6
1.5 1
2 28
2.5 2
3 46
3.5 11
4 75
4.5 8
5 113

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