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Storming Little Round Top: The 15th Alabama…

Storming Little Round Top: The 15th Alabama And Their Fight For The High Ground, July 2, 1863 (vuoden 2002 painos)

Tekijä: Phillip Thomas Tucker (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
46-555,732 (2.67)-
The fight for Little Round Top on July 2, 1863, is forever etched in the annals of America's Civil War. The heroic defense of the high ground by Joshua Chamberlain and the men of the 20th Maine is one of the most famous incidents in American history, made more so by its powerful depiction in the film Gettysburg. There are numerous written accounts of the Union defenders on Little Round Top but considerably less has been written--up to now--about the Confederate attackers who charged up the hill and faced an even more desperate challenge than those who defended it. Unique and colorful, this new study brings to life the men and officers of the 15th Alabama who gathered that day to assault the Union flank. The lively narration of this dramatic engagement is both detailed and authoritative. Veteran Civil War author Phillip Tucker colorfully evokes the men and the times--from descriptions of the Alabamans' Chattahoochee River valley home to sketches of the lives and personalities of William C. Oates and other key members of the regiment.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Storming Little Round Top: The 15th Alabama And Their Fight For The High Ground, July 2, 1863
Kirjailijat:Phillip Thomas Tucker (Tekijä)
Info:Da Capo Press (2002), Edition: 2nd ed., 344 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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Storming Little Round Top: The 15th Alabama and Their Fight for the High Ground, July 2, 1863 (tekijä: Phillip Thomas Tucker)


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The fight for Little Round Top on July 2, 1863, is forever etched in the annals of America's Civil War. The heroic defense of the high ground by Joshua Chamberlain and the men of the 20th Maine is one of the most famous incidents in American history, made more so by its powerful depiction in the film Gettysburg. There are numerous written accounts of the Union defenders on Little Round Top but considerably less has been written--up to now--about the Confederate attackers who charged up the hill and faced an even more desperate challenge than those who defended it. Unique and colorful, this new study brings to life the men and officers of the 15th Alabama who gathered that day to assault the Union flank. The lively narration of this dramatic engagement is both detailed and authoritative. Veteran Civil War author Phillip Tucker colorfully evokes the men and the times--from descriptions of the Alabamans' Chattahoochee River valley home to sketches of the lives and personalities of William C. Oates and other key members of the regiment.

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