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The Moriarty papers. Compiled by Colonel…

The Moriarty papers. Compiled by Colonel Sebastian Moran (vuoden 2017 painos)

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481536,047 (3.88)-
The infamous Professor James Moriarty is a brooding presence in all of the adventures of celebrated British detective Sherlock Holmes. Yet his actions are described only once in "The Final Problem", when he and Holmes wrestle on the brink of the Reichenbach Falls and he gets scant mention in five other reports. So who exactly was Moriarty? A power-crazed mathematician, as described by Arthur Conan Doyle? The public face of an underground brotherhood? Or the cocaine-induced Hyde to Holmes' Jekyll? The Moriarty Papers hold the key. Assembled after Moriarty's death by his head of Security Operations, Colonel Sebastian Moran, these unique documents confirm Moriarty as the supervillain that Holmes took him for. Indeed, they reveal him to be a criminal mastermind. Read this book and discover the darkest of secrets of Sherlock Holmes's arch rival.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The Moriarty papers. Compiled by Colonel Sebastian Moran
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto, Parhaillaan lukemassa
Arvio (tähdet):
Avainsanoja:Sherlock Holmes, Policíaca


The Moriarty Papers: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes's Great Nemesis (tekijä: Colonel Sebastian Moran)


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I wouldn't recommend reading this book if you haven't read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock stories...and I'm not sure I would recommend it if you had. To read this, you need an understanding of the cases but also to remember: it's not 'canon'. It's written by a third party and while it is supposed to add to the understanding of Sherlock Holmes' great nemesis Professor James Moriarty, it's not an understanding that's given by Doyle as he wanted to portray the character. A lot of other characters get caught up in this too and I would have thought they are being misrepresented.

Some of the little tantrums Moriarty has because of Holmes are giggle inducing but this collection of papers and things from Moriarty's desk is not well laid out or convincing the way the original Sherlock stories are. The font used, meant to represent handwriting, is also at times hard to read at times and that seems to me to defeat the purpose. ( )
  crashmyparty | Dec 9, 2014 |
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


The infamous Professor James Moriarty is a brooding presence in all of the adventures of celebrated British detective Sherlock Holmes. Yet his actions are described only once in "The Final Problem", when he and Holmes wrestle on the brink of the Reichenbach Falls and he gets scant mention in five other reports. So who exactly was Moriarty? A power-crazed mathematician, as described by Arthur Conan Doyle? The public face of an underground brotherhood? Or the cocaine-induced Hyde to Holmes' Jekyll? The Moriarty Papers hold the key. Assembled after Moriarty's death by his head of Security Operations, Colonel Sebastian Moran, these unique documents confirm Moriarty as the supervillain that Holmes took him for. Indeed, they reveal him to be a criminal mastermind. Read this book and discover the darkest of secrets of Sherlock Holmes's arch rival.

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