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You'll Land on Your Feet: How Anyone…

You'll Land on Your Feet: How Anyone Can Survive and Thrive After Job Loss (vuoden 2011 painos)

Tekijä: BSIE MBA André W. Renna

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2-5,366,589 (4)-
In "You'll Land on Your Feet", André W. Renna, through his own personal experience, offers the reader an honest portrayal of the emotional roller coaster that follows job loss. Through the author's unique wit and conversational "voice", you will learn you are not alone, "not by any stretch". More importantly, you will learn what to do in the days and months following this life altering event that will help you endure the present and prepare you for a successful "landing". "You'll Land on Your Feet" was written not only for the person who lost their job, but also for their friends, family members, and former coworkers so they can become better at offering words of empathy and encouragement. Company owners, CEO's, Human Resource personnel and outplacement counselors will also benefit from reading "You'll Land on Your Feet" as it will give them insight into the emotional toll job elimination and its process can bring to the employee and their family.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:You'll Land on Your Feet: How Anyone Can Survive and Thrive After Job Loss
Kirjailijat:BSIE MBA André W. Renna
Info:AuthorHouse (2011), Hardcover, 132 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):****


You'll Land on Your Feet: How Anyone Can Survive and Thrive After Job Loss (tekijä: rennabsiembaandrw)

Viimeisimmät tallentajatWEBenchmarkGC, DeadFred

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In "You'll Land on Your Feet", André W. Renna, through his own personal experience, offers the reader an honest portrayal of the emotional roller coaster that follows job loss. Through the author's unique wit and conversational "voice", you will learn you are not alone, "not by any stretch". More importantly, you will learn what to do in the days and months following this life altering event that will help you endure the present and prepare you for a successful "landing". "You'll Land on Your Feet" was written not only for the person who lost their job, but also for their friends, family members, and former coworkers so they can become better at offering words of empathy and encouragement. Company owners, CEO's, Human Resource personnel and outplacement counselors will also benefit from reading "You'll Land on Your Feet" as it will give them insight into the emotional toll job elimination and its process can bring to the employee and their family.

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