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The Nature and Science of Survival

Tekijä: Jane Burton

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
Through familiarity, adults often lose their curiosity and sense of wonder about the natural world. But children find even commonplace phenomena and experiences both educational and a source of wonder. Why is the sky blue? What makes a rainbow? Why are leaves green? These are common questions children ask. But explaining apparently simple things can be surprisingly difficult.Exploring the Science of Nature is an impressive presentation of the science behind the most common aspects of the natural world. Children are fascinated by the laboratory of everyday life. Each impressive volume is a beautifully illustrated and succinct and simple introduction to the science of what children see and experience everyday. The activities and project sections are especially well thought-out. Each child, using easy-to-find materials, can recreate events in the natural world at home and in their classroom.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatHeyMimi, Samuel0good, childrensschool, icsteacheramy

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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Through familiarity, adults often lose their curiosity and sense of wonder about the natural world. But children find even commonplace phenomena and experiences both educational and a source of wonder. Why is the sky blue? What makes a rainbow? Why are leaves green? These are common questions children ask. But explaining apparently simple things can be surprisingly difficult.Exploring the Science of Nature is an impressive presentation of the science behind the most common aspects of the natural world. Children are fascinated by the laboratory of everyday life. Each impressive volume is a beautifully illustrated and succinct and simple introduction to the science of what children see and experience everyday. The activities and project sections are especially well thought-out. Each child, using easy-to-find materials, can recreate events in the natural world at home and in their classroom.

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