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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Lost Cities of Golarion

Tekijä: Tim Hitchcock

Sarjat: Pathfinder (PZO 9229)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
25-925,687 (4.5)-
The greatest treasures of the world of Golarion lie buried in the crumblingruins of lost cities, beckoning adventurers from all the lands of the Inner Seato rescue them -- or die trying! Lost Cities of Golarion presentssix treasure-laden ruined settlements ready for your campaign, from the jagged,ghost-haunted Sun Temple Colony on the lost continent of Azlant to the Spires ofXin-Shalast in ruin-choked Varisia to desert-buried seats of lost pharaohs,subterranean Shangri-las, crashed sky cities of long-dead empires, and beyond.Each detailed treatment comes with a full-page map of the lost city, plenty ofadventure hooks to draw your players to the action, maps of key interiorlocations, encounter charts, statistics for important local characters, andmore! Each of the six locations revealed here also holds a famous legendarytreasure, presented in full detail using the Pathfinder Roleplaying Gamerules.… (lisätietoja)

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Pathfinder (PZO 9229)

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The greatest treasures of the world of Golarion lie buried in the crumblingruins of lost cities, beckoning adventurers from all the lands of the Inner Seato rescue them -- or die trying! Lost Cities of Golarion presentssix treasure-laden ruined settlements ready for your campaign, from the jagged,ghost-haunted Sun Temple Colony on the lost continent of Azlant to the Spires ofXin-Shalast in ruin-choked Varisia to desert-buried seats of lost pharaohs,subterranean Shangri-las, crashed sky cities of long-dead empires, and beyond.Each detailed treatment comes with a full-page map of the lost city, plenty ofadventure hooks to draw your players to the action, maps of key interiorlocations, encounter charts, statistics for important local characters, andmore! Each of the six locations revealed here also holds a famous legendarytreasure, presented in full detail using the Pathfinder Roleplaying Gamerules.

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