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Active Birth: The New Approach to Giving…

Active Birth: The New Approach to Giving Birth Naturally (Non) (vuoden 1992 painos)

Tekijä: Janet Balaskas (Tekijä)

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2444110,908 (4.15)-
Pioneering birth educator and author Janet Balaskas founded the Active Birth Movement in the 1980s. Her ideas based on the core principle that women should take ownership of their bodies during birth and be free to assume upright positions in labour have transformed birth for women and their birth companions across the world.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Active Birth: The New Approach to Giving Birth Naturally (Non)
Kirjailijat:Janet Balaskas (Tekijä)
Info:Harvard Common Press (1992), Edition: Revised, 272 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


Aktiivisynnytys (tekijä: Janet Balaskas)


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näyttää 4/4
In an active birth, a mother moves about freely, finds comfortable positions for labour and delivery, and seldom needs drugs or obstetrical interventions. In Active Birth, Janet Balaskas teaches mothers to develop all of their bodily resources for giving birth, to follow their own instincts, and to take full control of the childbirth experience.
  HomeBirth | Sep 3, 2014 |
Dieses Buch vermittelt einer Frau sehr viel Vertrauen in den eigenen Körper und den natürlichen Geburtsvorgang. Es zeigt vorteilhafte Geburtshaltungen auf und erklärt, welche Komplikationen und Auswirkungen Eingriffe in den natürlichen Verlauf haben können. Mit vielen Zeichnungen und Bildern. Das Buch nimmt stark Bezug auf Yoga, was vielleicht nicht jeder Frau entspricht. Die Hinweise auf homöopathische Mittel und Bachblüten entsprechen nicht den Empfehlungen der LLL.
  LLLSchweiz | Oct 26, 2009 |
This is the most helpful writing on childbirth that I have ever read. There is detailed information about various positions for laboring and what their advantages are. ( )
  SquirrelTao | Dec 22, 2007 |
earth, mother, goddess birthing book. Read all you like, when the real thing happens you are mindless. ( )
  kristenliberty | Oct 26, 2007 |
näyttää 4/4
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Pioneering birth educator and author Janet Balaskas founded the Active Birth Movement in the 1980s. Her ideas based on the core principle that women should take ownership of their bodies during birth and be free to assume upright positions in labour have transformed birth for women and their birth companions across the world.

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