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Fiske Guide to Colleges 2011, 27E

Tekijä: Edward Fiske

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
"The best college guide you can buy." -USA Today For more than 25 years, this leading guide to more than 310 colleges and universities-fully updated and expanded every year-has been an indispensable source of information for college-bound students and their parents. Helpful, honest, and straightforward, the Fiske Guide to Colleges delivers an insider's look at the academic climates and the social and extracurricular scenes at the "best and most interesting" schools in the United States, plus Canada and Great Britain. In addition to the candid essays on each school, you will find: A self-quiz to help you understand what you are really looking for in a college Lists of the strongest majors and programs at each college Vital information on how to apply, including admissions and financialaid deadlines, required tests, and each school's essay questions "Overlap" listings to help you expand your options Selectivity statistics and SAT/ACT scores Indexes that break down schools by price and state A list of schools with strong programs for learning disabled students All the basics, including email addresses and university websites Plus a special section highlighting the 5 public and private Best Buy schools-colleges that provide the best educational value The guide the San Francisco Chronicle called "the bible."… (lisätietoja)

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"The best college guide you can buy." -USA Today For more than 25 years, this leading guide to more than 310 colleges and universities-fully updated and expanded every year-has been an indispensable source of information for college-bound students and their parents. Helpful, honest, and straightforward, the Fiske Guide to Colleges delivers an insider's look at the academic climates and the social and extracurricular scenes at the "best and most interesting" schools in the United States, plus Canada and Great Britain. In addition to the candid essays on each school, you will find: A self-quiz to help you understand what you are really looking for in a college Lists of the strongest majors and programs at each college Vital information on how to apply, including admissions and financialaid deadlines, required tests, and each school's essay questions "Overlap" listings to help you expand your options Selectivity statistics and SAT/ACT scores Indexes that break down schools by price and state A list of schools with strong programs for learning disabled students All the basics, including email addresses and university websites Plus a special section highlighting the 5 public and private Best Buy schools-colleges that provide the best educational value The guide the San Francisco Chronicle called "the bible."

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