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David: Five Hundred Years

Tekijä: Antonio Paolucci

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
42-601,186 (4.5)1
Michaelangelo's David has just turned 500. In celebration, Italy has restored this sculpture to its original splendor-- and David: Five Hunded Years is the first to capture each step of the way. What started as a solid block of granite, emerged as one of the most significant statues in the world. After half a millennium of exposure, David has undergone a complete restoration to revive his original splendor. This magnificent depiction reveals the classical man as he looked when Michelangelo originally laid down his chisel in 1504. Radically new photographic techniques, including new photographic zooms, and color accuracy capture in detail every aspect of the restored masterpiece, all accompanied by illuminating background information from prominent art historian Antonio Paolucci.Art lovers, historians, or just those who appreciate a true beauty will not be able to resist such a brilliant addition to their collection.… (lisätietoja)

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Michaelangelo's David has just turned 500. In celebration, Italy has restored this sculpture to its original splendor-- and David: Five Hunded Years is the first to capture each step of the way. What started as a solid block of granite, emerged as one of the most significant statues in the world. After half a millennium of exposure, David has undergone a complete restoration to revive his original splendor. This magnificent depiction reveals the classical man as he looked when Michelangelo originally laid down his chisel in 1504. Radically new photographic techniques, including new photographic zooms, and color accuracy capture in detail every aspect of the restored masterpiece, all accompanied by illuminating background information from prominent art historian Antonio Paolucci.Art lovers, historians, or just those who appreciate a true beauty will not be able to resist such a brilliant addition to their collection.

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