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The Sherlock Holmes Companion: An Elementary Guide

Tekijä: Daniel Smith

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
93-293,864 (4)-
A beautiful and lavishly illustrated book on one of the greatest and most enduringly popular literary characters of all time: Sherlock Holmes. Since it's original printing five years ÿago, we are re-issuing The Sherlock Holmes Companion with a full update of all the exciting detective developments from both the small and big screen as well as further details on all the major characters and locations.ÿ Illustrated throughout with more than 150 pictures ranging from period engravings and book jackets to modern-day location shots and film stills from TV adaptations, this is a compendious guide to all the stories, their author and the enigmatic pipe-smoking creation at their heart.ÿ Daniel Smith's witty and informed text provides plot summaries of every single Sherlock Holmes story, potted biographies of Holmes, Moriarty, Watson and of course Conan Doyle. Interviews with actors and contributors who've helped bring the great detective to life over the years, including a new interview with Mark Gatiss who not only plays Mycroft Holmes but is also co-creator of the BBC series Sherlock.ÿ This is a book aimed at both the Holmes aficionado and at the gift market - comprehensive and nostalgic while also rigorously critical and not afraid to rank the better Holmes stories against the lesser.… (lisätietoja)

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A beautiful and lavishly illustrated book on one of the greatest and most enduringly popular literary characters of all time: Sherlock Holmes. Since it's original printing five years ÿago, we are re-issuing The Sherlock Holmes Companion with a full update of all the exciting detective developments from both the small and big screen as well as further details on all the major characters and locations.ÿ Illustrated throughout with more than 150 pictures ranging from period engravings and book jackets to modern-day location shots and film stills from TV adaptations, this is a compendious guide to all the stories, their author and the enigmatic pipe-smoking creation at their heart.ÿ Daniel Smith's witty and informed text provides plot summaries of every single Sherlock Holmes story, potted biographies of Holmes, Moriarty, Watson and of course Conan Doyle. Interviews with actors and contributors who've helped bring the great detective to life over the years, including a new interview with Mark Gatiss who not only plays Mycroft Holmes but is also co-creator of the BBC series Sherlock.ÿ This is a book aimed at both the Holmes aficionado and at the gift market - comprehensive and nostalgic while also rigorously critical and not afraid to rank the better Holmes stories against the lesser.

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