About My Library
YA, Science Fiction, Fiction/Fiction Literature, and Fantasy

(I stick to Fiction books because I easily get drawn in the stories I read, and become emotionally affected/swayed. Hence, if I knew what I'm reading is non-fiction life would be very gray in my eyes. I love fiction because no matter how the story goes; laughs, cries, thrills, and anger, it is all built on your boundless IMAGINATION)


GoodReads.com - http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5210724-tvaleros
About Me
MY RATING SYSTEM: - I rate on how i feel/get captivated in the story and if it leaves me wanting MORE ...

[[1 Star]] - WEAK sauce. Pretty bad and couldn't recommend it.
[[2 Stars]] - It's okay, but we have different taste and it might be yours
[[3 Stars]] - I'm just caught in the "Ehh" side of the rating. but did LIKE.
[[4 Stars]] - I REALLY liked it. I can't say more.
[[5 Stars]] - I WANT MORE! The BEST read ever.
Sacramento, CA
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TValeros antoi tähtiä, arvosteli, tallensi
TValeros antoi tähtiä, arvosteli, tallensi
TValeros antoi tähtiä, arvosteli, tallensi
TValeros arvosteli, antoi tähtiä, tallensi
TValeros arvosteli, antoi tähtiä, tallensi
TValeros arvosteli, antoi tähtiä, tallensi

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