SarjatAdventures in the Liaden Universe (chapbooks) {Lee & Miller}

Sarjan tekijät: Sharon Lee, Steve Miller

80 Teokset Suosituimmuussija 19,329 (402 Jäseniä) 2,489 Kirjat 106 Kirja-arvosteluja 4.0


The Rifle's First Wife (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 2 kappaletta16.1
Two Tales of Korval (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 80 kappaletta, 4 arvostelua({1380} To Cut an Edge/ {1385} A Day at the Races): 1
Fellow Travelers (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 64 kappaletta, 5 arvostelua(Where the Goddess Sends/ A Spell for the Lost/ {1375} Moonphase) 2
Duty Bound (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 74 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua({1339} Pilot of Korval/ {1393} Breath's Duty) 3
Certain Symmetry (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 66 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua(The Wine of Memory/ {1385} Certain Symmetry) 4
Trading in Futures (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 52 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu({1118} Balance of Trade/ {1346} A Choice of Weapons) 5
Changeling (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 62 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua(Changeling) 6
Loose Cannon (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 60 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu({1375} A Matter of Dreams/ {1293} Phoenix) 7
Shadows and Shades (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 50 kappaletta({1123} Naratha's Shadow/ {1374} Heirloom) 8
Quiet Knives [omnibus] (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 67 kappaletta({1373} Veil of the Dancer/ {1392} Quiet Knives) 9
With Stars Underfoot (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 87 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu(This House/ {1393} Lord of the Dance) 10
Necessary Evils (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 66 kappaletta({-900} Necessary Evils/ {1346} The Beggar King) 11
Allies (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 72 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu({1379} Fighting Chance/ {1393} Prodigal Son) 12
Dragon Tide (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 68 kappaletta({1392} Daughter of Dragons/ {-2000} Dragon Tide
Eidolon (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 65 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua({1385} Shadow Partner/ {1392} Persistence) 14
Misfits (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 77 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua({ends 1393} Misfits) 15
Halfling Moon (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 80 kappaletta, 4 arvostelua({1393}Hidden Resources/ {1393} Moon on the Hill) 16
Skyblaze (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 63 kappaletta, 6 arvostelua({1393} Skyblaze) 17
Courier Run (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 40 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu({1362} Guaranteed Delivery/ {1393} Kin Ties) 18
Legacy Systems (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 37 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu(Intelligent Design/ {1196} The Space at Tinsori Light) 19
Moon's Honor (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 23 kappaletta(Moon's Honour) 20
Technical Details (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 33 kappaletta(Landed Alien/ Eleutherios) 21
Sleeping with the Enemy (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 35 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua(Chimera/ Friend of a Friend) 22
Change Management (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 29 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua(Street Cred/ Wise Child) 23
Due Diligence (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 31 kappaletta, 5 arvostelua({1325} Due Diligence) 24
Cultivar (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 15 kappaletta({1118} Out of True/ {1393} The Rifle's First Wife) 25
Heirs to Trouble (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 17 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu({1393} Roving Gambler/ {1393} Code of Honour) 26
Degrees of Separation (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 28 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua(Degrees of Separation) 27
Fortune's Favors (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 35 kappaletta, 4 arvostelua(Fortune's Favours/ Opportunity to Seize) 28
Shout of Honor (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 38 kappaletta, 5 arvostelua(Shout of Honour) 29
The Gate that Locks the Tree: A Minor Melant'i Play for Snow Season (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 36 kappaletta, 6 arvostelua(The Gate that Locks the Tree: A Minor Melant’i Play for Snow Season) 30
Ambient Conditions (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 27 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua(A Visit to the Galaxy Ballroom/ Ambient Conditions) 31
Change State (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 23 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua(Command Decision/ Dead Men Dream) 32
Bad Actors (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 17 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua(Excerpts from Two Lives/ Dark Secrets/ Revolutionists) 33
Bread Alone (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 21 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua(Degrees of Separation/ Fortune’s Favours/ Block Party/ Our Lady of Benevolence) 34
From Every Storm (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 26 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua(Standing Orders/ Songs of the Fathers/ From Every Storm a Rainbow) 35

Short story collections

Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 01 - To Cut an Edge (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappale{1380} Chapbooks 01
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 02 - A Day at the Races (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappale{1385} Chapbooks 02
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 03 - Where the Goddess Sends (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappaleChapbooks 03
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 04 - A Spell for the Lost (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappaleChapbooks 04
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 05 - Pilot of Korval (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappale{1339} Chapbooks 05
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 06 - Breath's Duty (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappale{1393} Chapbooks 06
The Wine of Memory (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 2 kappalettaChapbooks 07
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 08 - Certain Symmetry (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappale{1385} Chapbooks 08
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 09 - Balance of Trade (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappale{1118} Chapbooks 09
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 10 - A Choice of Weapons (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappale{1346} Chapbooks 10
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 11 - Veil of the Dancer (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappale{1373} Chapbooks 11
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 12 - This House (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappaleChapbooks 12
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 13 - Lord of the Dance (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappale{1393} Chapbooks 13
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 14 - Necessary Evils - (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappale{-900} Chapbooks 14
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 15 - The Beggar King (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappale{1346} Chapbooks 15
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 16 - Fighting Chance (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappale{1379} Chapbooks 16
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 17 - Prodigal Son (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 1 kappale{1393} Chapbooks 17
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 18 - Daughter of Dragons (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappale{1392} Chapbooks 18
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 19 - Dragon Tide (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappale{-2000} Chapbooks 19
Hidden Resources {ss} (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 2 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu{1393} Chapbooks 20
Moon on the Hills {ss} (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 2 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu{1393} Chapbooks 21
Kin Ties (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 2 kappaletta{1393} Chapbooks 22
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 23 - Guaranteed Delivery (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappale{1362} Chapbooks 23
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 24 - Intelligent Design (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappaleChapbooks 24
The Space at Tinsori Light (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 2 kappaletta{1196} Chapbooks 25
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 26 - Landed Alien (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappaleChapboosk 26
Eleutherios (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 2 kappalettaChapbooks 27
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 28 - Chimera (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappaleChapbooks 28
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 29 - Friend of a Friend (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappaleChapbooks 29
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 30 - Street Cred (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappaleChapbooks 30
Wise Child (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 3 kappalettaChapbooks 31
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 32 - The Splinter Universe (2-book series) (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappaleChapbooks 32
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 33 - Splinter Universe Presents (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappaleChapbooks 33
Liaden Universe Short Story Collections Chapbooks 34 - The Wrong Lance (tekijä: Lee Miller (Editor)) 1 kappaleChapbooks 34
From Every Storm A Rainbow (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 1 kappale, 1 arvostelu

Collections and Selections

Liaden Unibus I (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 11 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu(To Cut An Edge/ A Day at the Races/ Where the Goddess Sends/ A Spell for the Lost/ Moonphase/ Pilot of Korval/ Breath’s Duty/ The Wine of Memory/ Certain Symmetry/ Balance of Trade/ A Choice of Weapons/ Changeling) Omnibus 1-6
Liaden Unibus II (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 10 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu(A Matter of Dreams/ Phoenix/ Naratha’s Shadow/ Heirloom/ Veil of the Dancer/ Quiet Knives/ This House/ Lord of the Dance/ Necessary Evils/ The Beggar King/ Fighting Chance/ Prodigal Son) Omnibus 7-12
Liaden Universe ® Companion (Volume One) (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 124 kappaletta, 2 arvosteluaOmnibus 1-5
Liaden Universe ® Companion (Volume Two) (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 83 kappaletta, 2 arvosteluaOmnibus 6-10
A Liaden Universe ® Constellation: Volume 1 (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 159 kappaletta, 7 arvostelua(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & {1177} 'Sweet Waters') Collection 1995-2002
A Liaden Universe ® Constellation: Volume 2 (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 130 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua(9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17) Collection 2002-2011
A Liaden Universe ® Constellation: Volume 3 (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 133 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua(18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26 & 'King of Cats') Collection 2011-2014
A Liaden Universe ® Constellation: Volume 4 (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 74 kappaletta, 5 arvostelua(24, Street Cred/ Friend of a Friend/ Cutting Corners/ Block Party/ Degrees of Separation/ Excerpts from Two Lives/ Revolutionists) Collection 2014-2018
A Liaden Universe ® Constellation: Volume 5 (tekijä: Sharon Lee) 53 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu(28, 29, 30, 31, 32/ Dark Secrets/ Preferred Seating) Collection, 2019-2021



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