Publishers Weekly's Best Books of the YearChildren's Fiction2008

Given by Publishers Weekly

Muut nimet: Publisher's Weekly Best Book (englanti), Publisher's Weekly Best Book of the Year (englanti), Publishers Weekly Best Nonfiction Book of the Year (englanti)
3 teosta 12,030 kirjaa 729 arvostelua 4.0
Kaikki, Best Children's Book (2), Children's Fiction (3), Fiktio (317), Lifestye (1), Lifestyle (77), Mass Market (10), Mysteries (6), Rikoskirjallisuus (22), Mystery/Thriller (101), Non-Fiction (1), Tietokirjallisuus (386), Runous (10), Religion (83), Religious Fiction (7), Romantiikka (45), SF/Fantasy/Horror (9), Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror (79), No Category (49)
Kaikki, 2008 (3)